Saturday, April 2, 2011

Learning Journal 26

Earlier this week we did methods practice assignment that involved us making observations of people and then entering an unfamiliar community.  I thought these were helpful assignments because they made me realized how hard it is to observe other people without applying my own value statements or assumptions on the people. This is a good skill to have when in the field because many of the things that would be viewed one way in one culture can be viewed totally differently in another culture.  Another thing I thought of was how this is something that we can kind of practice everyday, just by not making judgments about people based on what we see.   I think that's just something little that we can do to be better at not making assumptions when IN Tonga.  The  entering into a community assignment was even harder because it's more uncomfortable.  My experience wasn't bad, it's just a little difficult and awkward at first because you don't know what to say. But it's definitely a helpful thing to practice before we go.

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